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What Next After Graduation?

Last week I promised you a post on what I'm doing now that I've graduated, and I deliver on my promises. I have a law degree now and the route to becoming a lawyer in Scotland, and one of the routes across the rest of the UK, is to gain a Bachelor of Laws degree, study the diploma for a further year and then do a two year traineeship, at the end of which, you can finally call yourself a solicitor! I decided halfway through my degree that I wouldn't study the diploma if I didn't have a traineeship in place at the end of my degree because it costs thousands of pounds and only lasts two years i.e if you don't have a traineeship after two years, you need to do it again. Then we got to the end of last year, maybe early this year, when I fully decided that I wasn't going to apply for traineeships, I didn't want to go in to law. So what now? I made a video covering some of this back in February which you may have seen called ' Feeli...

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