Life Update ~ Where Have I Been?

Hello!  I’ve been rather absent lately, and I would say that it’s because I’ve been so busy – which technically I have been, for me at least – but not enough for it to be an excuse, so how about we just gloss over that and instead be positive about the fact that I’m back!

So what have I been up to?  Well, I moved out of my flat and moved back home for my final year of university.  It made sense financially since I spend so little time actually in class and because flatmates have never really worked out that well for me!  I made a little video of my moving out if that sort of thing interests you...

I spent a day at the Edinburgh International Book Festival and went to talks by Derek Landy (the Skulduggery Pleasant series) and Cassandra Clare and Holly Black (the Magisterium series, but more importantly to me, Cassandra is the author of the Shadowhunter Chronicles, which I’ve already raved about!).  I’ll be honest, I’ve seen Derek Landy at the Book Festival twice before, the first time I hadn’t even read his books - my friend had a spare ticket and invited me along!  The thing I love most about these talks is the informal Q&A style, there’s a very brief introduction by the authors and then most of the time is spent answering questions from the audience which is always interesting.  The one thing I would say is that if you’ve been to a talk with the same author before, the same questions do tend to come up.  After the talks are signings which is always nice as you obviously get to meet the authors and ask questions - my friend and I had to dart back and forth between the two queues as although their talks were two hours apart, Derek spent so long chatting and taking photos that we actually saw and met Cassandra before we managed to speak to Derek so we were the very last people to see him!


My family and I spent an impromptu few days in London for my parent's anniversary.  I love London, I went down last Christmas for the first time after spending years wanting to go.  It was very casual, we visited the British Museum the first day, I wandered down the Strand, Regent Street and Oxford Street in the pouring rain on the second day, and then I spent my third day walking the Southbank from Tower Bridge to Westminster, making sure to cross Blackfriar’s Bridge along the way (if you’ve read the Infernal Devices, you’ll know…and yes, I am that sad), before meeting up with my parents again to spend the evening touring St Paul’s Cathedral.  I already can’t wait to go back, I’d love to live there someday - I have a plan that I want to live there for a bit of time before I settle down and have a family (I personally do not want to raise children in a city), it’s just a shame that it’s so expensive!!

The best selfie I could get on top of Tower Bridge

A few days later, my mum and I spent two nights in Glasgow as my mum had an event to attend.  This was perhaps even more chilled than London, I literally just spent a day looking around the shops before meeting my mum to see The Hitman’s Bodyguard (a fine film, nothing groundbreaking but enjoyable).

Since then I’ve been back at University, woohoo…I’m so glad this is my final year, I’m nearly finished 😂

Now that I’ve thoroughly bored you I’ll let you go, if anyone even made it this far.  I hope you’ve been well and hopefully I’ll see you around these parts again soon 😉


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