Moments of Me

Exciting news! Well, it's exciting to me.  I've just launched a brand new monthly vlog series on my YouTube channel called Moments of Me.

I've always wanted to make some kind of daily vlog but I've never known what format it should take.  I could never do daily vlogs or weekly vlogs for three reasons:
1) that's far too much commitment 2) I'm not sure I want to share that much of my life 3) my life is so not interesting enough!
So I always thought I'd just film and upload random, semi-interesting days until I stumbled across monthly vlog series like PMS (Sammy Paul, Daniel J Layton) and Time of the Month (Hazel Hayes) and was instantly taken by the format!

I love the fact the it's like a project and a proper series where you film for a full month, compile it all and (hopefully) have a set upload date each month.  It just makes it feel so official and more exciting/challenging.  I also think it will let me experiment with my editing style.  I aim to upload on the first of each month but that already went wrong this month...teething problems.

So January has just gone live, give it a watch if you're at all interested.  It took twelve and a half hours to upload(!!) and the quality is just not what it was before production which is a shame.  There's a quite a lot of talking and I personally think it gets more enjoyable towards the end which doesn't bode well for retention 😂, but I hope you enjoy it just the same.

Any comments or feedback are welcome and I hope you have a great weekend!

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